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Commencement of Phase II 600KTPA Olefin Project of Ningxia Baofeng Energy Recycling Economy ...

浏览量:1376 时间:2019-04-04 11:59:23 

Commencement of Phase II 600KTPA Olefin Project of NingxiaBaofeng Energy Recycling

       Economy Industrial Park Transformation Project

       The commencement ceremony of Phase II 600KTPA Olefin Project of Ningxia Baofeng Energy Recycling Economy Industrial Park Transformation project construction contracted for by CNCEC16 Northwest Branch was held on the morning of July 20th, 2017.

       The project is located in Lingwu City, Ningxia Autonomous Region and has been listed as one of Ningxia’s key implementation projects. The main construction contents of the project includes Bid III PE Unit civil, installation and maintenance works of the chemical plant. The project duration is about 20 months and is expected to be ready for hot commissioning till the end of 2018.

       On the commencement ceremony, Mr. Liu Ronggao, manager of CNCEC16 Northwest Branch made a statement. He committed that all the staff of the project department will be fully enthusiastic into the project construction to ensure the completion of construction tasks with highquality on schedule.

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